
Return to Advocate > Advocacy > Grassroots Advocacy > Get Involved in ACNM > Open Volunteer Positions > Government Affairs Committee Seeks Affiliate Legislative Contact for Each State

Affiliate Legislative Contact

Job Description

The Affiliate Legislative Contact (ALC) serves as a conduit between the ACNM Government Affairs Committee (GAC) and each ACNM affiliate for federal and possibly state legislative and regulatory activities. While the affiliate president may also serve as a conduit to affiliate members, the ALC is a more active link between the GAC and affiliate members in order to educate and activate members on federal legislative grassroots activities, as well as share affiliate information with the GAC.

The ALC is formally recognized by the affiliate, ideally but not necessarily in the affiliate bylaws, and may or may not be a full member with voting privileges of the executive committee. Additional affiliate legislative committee members may be appointed by the affiliate and serve under the ALC. The ALC role may be distinct from an affiliate health policy analyst, legislative chair for state issues, or a consultant charged with federal or state legislative matters, should the affiliate choose to enlist one.


*Coordinate and mobilize ACNM grassroots activities with affiliate members, specifically the affiliate president, other members of the affiliate legislative committee, as well as the executive committee and/or the state policy analyst or consultant and others as deemed appropriate.

*Disseminate state and federal legislative and regulatory information provided by the GAC to affiliate members.

*Gather and share state and federal legislative and regulatory information from

the affiliate with the GAC.

*Respond to member concerns and inquiries as needed, enlisting help from the assigned GAC member when necessary.

*Represent ACNM at local meetings addressing federal and possibly state women's health policy issues and legislation.

*At ACNM Annual Meetings, try to attend ALC meetings, federal and state policy updates, and GAC workshops.

*Coordinate with affiliate members to build relationships with federal legislators.

*Serve as affiliate contact for activities relating to the Midwives-PAC.

*Identify and orient a successor.

Term of Service:

The ALC agrees to serve for a period of no fewer than two years. It will be necessary for this individual to have access to email, as this will be the primary mode of communication with the GAC and ACNM National Office.

To establish or modify the individual who will serve as the ALC for your affiliate, please email [email protected] and include ALC in the subject line.

The current list of ALCs can be found at:


The name and contact information of the GAC member assigned to your affiliate is here: /GAC-Members.

American College of Nurse-Midwives
409 12th St SW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20024-2188
Phone: 240.485.1800
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