Vision, Mission and Core Values
Midwifery for every community.
To support midwives, advance the practice of midwifery, and achieve optimal, equitable health outcomes for the people and communities midwives serve.
Core Values
Our values inform our strategic direction. The following values state what is important to our members and guide the collective perspective of our organization.
Excellence: The American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) values excellence in clinical practice midwifery education and research. We are committed to upholding the highest clinical and ethical standards, professional responsibility, accountability, and integrity.
Evidence-Based Care: ACNM evaluates, publishes, and highlights evidence to improve professional practice. We are committed to upholding the evidence-based clinical practice standards of the midwifery profession and applying this knowledge and clinical expertise to help people make the best health care decisions. We strongly support the use of quality measurement tools to improve care.
Formal Education: ACNM promotes the certification of midwives based on the completion of nationally recognized and accredited midwifery education programs in accordance with the International Confederation of Midwives’ global standards for education. We support the interprofessional education of midwives with other health professionals to improve health care services.
Inclusiveness: ACNM shall carry forward its objectives through a lens that promotes a culture of inclusion in which those of diverse identities are respected, sought after, and embraced. These identities include, but are not limited to, race, ethnicity, culture, class, gender and gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, physical and intellectual ability, learning style, nationality, citizenship, age, mental health, professional background, midwifery certification, and degree.
Person-Centered Care and Respect for Physiologic Processes: ACNM and its members respect the rights all people, including women and gender-diverse individuals, to autonomy over their own health, body, and care. Within a relationship of respect, compassion, informed consent, and shared decision-making, ACNM supports evidence demonstrating that physiologic processes are best supported by person-centered care and midwifery expertise.
Primary Health Care: Midwives value whole-person care through the provision of primary, sexual, and reproductive care to all. We believe this care should be provided with a community health care approach that addresses broader determinants of health and focuses on the interrelated aspects of physical, mental, and social health and well-being throughout the life span.
Partnership: Our members build partnerships with individuals, their chosen families, and communities by providing guidance and counseling in a person-centered decision-making process. We partner with other advocates through collaboration and referral to provide optimal care to further integrate midwifery care into the health care system.
Advocacy: ACNM advocates on behalf of the people we serve, our members, and the midwifery profession to eliminate health disparities and increase access to evidence-based, quality care. We strive to promote standards for practice, eliminate professional barriers, increase funding for education, and enhance the visibility and recognition of the value of midwifery care.
Global Outreach: ACNM promotes the profession of midwifery at a global level. We foster quality and innovation in midwifery education and support the strengthening of the profession worldwide through education and association building as keys to improving maternal, newborn, and community health. (Note: Maternal language is included for alignment with the global health community.)
Equity: ACNM promotes a process by which resources are distributed according to need. Inequities have significant social and economic costs to both individuals and society. ACNM is dedicated to advocating for the removal of obstacles to health, such as poverty, systems of oppression, and discrimination, as well as the consequences of these factors.
Antiracism: ACNM is committed to becoming an antiracist organization by recognizing and addressing historical and current racism in midwifery education, clinical practice, and institutions, including our organization. ACNM opposes racism and promotes racial justice.
Professionalism: Midwives practice in accordance with ACNM’s Standards for the Practice of Midwifery and Code of Ethics, including adherence to the organization’s core values presented here. ACNM promotes civility, mutual respect, integrity, collaboration, and effective communication.
ACNM Strategic Priorities 2024-2026