Become a Midwife
Being or becoming a midwife requires rigorous educational preparation as well as a commitment to improving sexual and reproductive health care. This section of the ACNM website provides a multitude of resources for aspiring midwives, new midwives, and those in all stages of their careers.
Many different starting points for a career in midwifery are possible! Review information about these, and don't miss the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). If you've received your midwifery education in another country, the pages for midwives educated abroad will highlight the steps you must take in order to practice in the US.
For midwives who are returning to practice after time away from the profession, and for all those looking for midwifery jobs, we have suggestions and resources available for you. Looking for Continuing Education information? You've come to the right place.
Interested in a teaching career? We have networks for midwives who teach nurses, midwives, medical students and residents, and a wealth of resources for midwifery preceptors. You'll also find information about our sister organizations: the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB), which administers the national certification exam leading to the CNM and CM credentials, and to the Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME), which accredits midwifery and nurse-midwifery education
- What do the CNM and CM credentials mean?
- Essential Facts About Midwives
- About the Midwifery Profession
- Pathways to Midwifery Education
- Midwifery Programs for Aspiring Midwives to Consider
- Financial Aid
- Trends in Midwifery Education (2019 report)
- Definition of Midwifery and Scope of Practice of Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives
- Core Competencies For Basic Midwifery Practice (Updated March 2020)
- FAQs