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Primary Cesarean Birth by RequestPdfPosition Statements
Access to Comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health CarePdfPosition Statements
Adolescent Health CarePdfPosition Statements
Appropriate Use of Technology in ChildbirthPdfPosition Statements
Birth DoulasPdfPosition Statements
Breastfeeding/ChestfeedingPdfPosition Statements
Bullying and Incivility in MidwiferyPdfPosition Statements
Care of the Pregnant Person with a History of Cesarean BirthPdfPosition Statements
Certified Nurse-Midwife and Certified Midwife Education and Certification in the United StatesPdfPosition Statements
Certified Nurse-Midwife/Certified Midwife as First Assistant during SurgeryPdfPosition Statements
Climate Change and Maternal, Fetal and Infant HealthPdfPosition Statements
Collaborative Agreement Between Certified Nurse-Midwives/Certified Midwives and Physicians or Other Health CarePdfPosition Statements
Collaborative Management in Midwifery Practice for Medical, Gynecologic and Obstetrical ConditionsPdfPosition Statements
Conscientious Refusal and the Profession of MidwiferyPdfPosition Statements
Degree Requirements for Midwifery FacultyPdfPosition Statements
Effect of Environmental Toxins on Reproductive and Developmental HealthPdfPosition Statements
Expansion of Midwifery Practice and Skills Beyond Basic Core CompetenciesPdfPosition Statements
Expedited Partner TherapyPdfPosition Statements
Fatigue, Sleep Deprivation and SafetyPdfPosition Statements
Female Genital CuttingPdfPosition Statements
Gender Based ViolencePdfPosition Statements
Health Care for AllPdfPosition Statements
Health Care for Transgender and Gender Non-Binary PeoplePdfPosition Statements
History and Future of the US MERA Joint ProjectPdfPosition Statements
History and Future of the US MERA Joint Project - Executive SummaryPdfPosition Statements
Hydrotherapy During Labor and BirthPdfPosition Statements
Immunization Throughout the Life Course Including In Pregnancy and PostpartumPdfPosition Statements
Independent Midwifery Practice PdfPosition Statements
Induction of LaborPdfPosition Statements
Joint Statement between ACNM and the A.C.N.M. FoundationPdfPosition Statements
Joint Statement of Practice Relations Between Obstetrician-Gynecologists and Certified Nurse-Midwives/Certified MidwivesPdfPosition Statements
Legislation and Regulation that Affect Midwifery Professionals not Certified by the American Midwifery Certification BoardPdfPosition Statements
Mandatory Degree Requirements for Entry into Midwifery Practice PdfPosition Statements
Mental Health During Childbirth and Across LifespanPdfPosition Statements
Midwifery Care during the Third Stage of LaborPdfPosition Statements
Midwifery Education and Doctoral PreparationPdfPosition Statements
Midwifery Student Work Experience PdfPosition Statements
Midwives are Primary Care Providers PdfPosition Statements
Midwives as Abortion ProvidersPdfPosition Statements
Models of Group Prenatal CarePdfPosition Statements
Newborn Male CircumcisionPdfPosition Statements
Nitrous Oxide for Labor and Birth AnalgesiaPdfPosition Statements
Optimal Management of the Umbilical Cord at the Time of BirthPdfPosition Statements
Physiologic Birth Consensus Statement: ACNM, MANA, NACPMPdfPosition Statements
Planned Home BirthPdfPosition Statements
Postgraduate Midwifery Fellowship ProgramsPdfPosition Statements
Prelabor Rupture of Membranes at Term (PROM)PdfPosition Statements
Prevention of Gun ViolencePdfPosition Statements
Principles for Credentialing and Privileging Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) and Certified Midwives (CMs) PdfPosition Statements
Principles for Equitable Compensation Agreements Between Midwives and Physicians PdfPosition Statements
Principles for Licensing and Regulating Midwives in the U.S. - An OverviewPdfPosition Statements
Principles for Licensing and Regulating Midwives in the U.S. in Accordance with Global Standards of ICMPdfPosition Statements
Provision of Healthcare for Women in the Criminal Justice SystemPdfPosition Statements
Qualifications for Midwifery Expert Witness PdfPosition Statements
Racism and Racial BiasPdfPosition Statements
Rural Midwifery CarePdfPosition Statements
Safe Infant Sleep PracticesPdfPosition Statements
Screening and Brief Intervention to Prevent Alcohol-Exposed PregnancyPdfPosition Statements
Shared Decision-Making in Midwifery CarePdfPosition Statements
Social JusticePdfPosition Statements
Statutory and Regulatory Language Differentiating Scope of Practice/Practice Authority by Practice SettingPdfPosition Statements
Substance use disorders in pregnancyPdfPosition Statements
The Use of Telehealth in MidwiferyPdfPosition Statements
Ultrasound in midwifery practicePdfPosition Statements

American College of Nurse-Midwives
409 12th St SW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20024-2188
Phone: 240.485.1800
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