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Accountable Care Organizations - Health Care Reform Law (111-148)PdfIssue Briefs
ACNM Anti-Racism GlossaryPdfIssue Briefs
Domains of Inquiry for Research Studies on the CNM/CM WorkforcePdfIssue Briefs
Medicaid Coverage of Freestanding Birth Centers - Health Care Reform Law (111-148)PdfIssue Briefs
Medicaid Expansion to One Year Postpartum CoveragePdfIssue Briefs
Medicaid Expansion to One Year Postpartum CoveragePdfIssue Briefs
Midwifery: Evidence-Based PracticePdfIssue Briefs
Patient Protections: Anti-Discrimination of Health Professionals - Health Care Reform Law (111-148)PdfIssue Briefs
Physician Certification of Inpatient Admissions under MedicarePdfIssue Briefs
The Language of MidwiferyPdfIssue Briefs
Use of Culturally-Appropriate Terminology for Gender Diverse PopulationsPdfIssue Briefs
Where Midwives WorkPdfIssue Briefs

American College of Nurse-Midwives
409 12th St SW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20024-2188
Phone: 240.485.1800
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