Membership in the American College of Nurse-Midwives
What Midwives & Students Need to Optimize Their Impact

You want to be the best midwife or student-midwife possible. After all, whether you’re a student, clinician, educator, or taking on another role, you’re putting yourself on the line every day. There’s one way to maximize your impact and experience: Membership in ACNM.
Get the Most Out of Your ACNM Membership
ACNM members have access to the most current information on midwifery and regulatory reforms, quality and patient safety, professional resources and continuing education opportunities. In addition, membership provides a host of other benefits including special rates on continuing education, volunteer, and leadership opportunities, 24/7 access to a network of over 6,000 members in our “Connect” online community, and much more. See below for details.
The ACNM Advantage brings you...
A Network of Support, 4000+ Strong
Support and Welcome. We’ve got an amazing members-only platform called ACNM Connect. On it are scores of communities ready to embrace you. Engage, ask questions, learn, and grow. Find your communities here: Students, Midwives of Color, Gender Equity, Midwives in Support of Life, Retired Midwives, Global, Educators, and Midwives for Universal Health Care, to name a few. Or, start your own!
A Strong Professional Network. Networking is essential to an optimized, productive, and fulfilling career. ACNM gives you access to like-minded peers, professionals, and potential mentors. Our events, affiliate meetings, and volunteer opportunities offer invaluable facetime and make connecting with others effortless.
Our Professional Directory. Direct access to the largest network of CNMs/CMs in the United States and beyond is at your fingertips.
A Way to Represent! Our members come from all walks of life. They are raising their voices and creating change within and beyond the college. However you affiliate, whatever your stand, where one voice is not enough, collectively, you can forge a pathway for change.
Career Enhancement
Confidence. “Member of the American-College of Nurse-Midwives”--these words inspire confidence among patients, employers, and other professionals. Membership shows you are committed to your profession and that you adhere to the highest standards of care.
Volunteering Opportunities. Plug in where, when, and how you like. Our volunteer structure makes it easy to make a meaningful contribution that suits you. Learn more about volunteering via our Volunteer 411 presentation.
Scholarships and Fellowships. More than $25,000 in support is provided yearly from The A.C.N.M. Foundation, Inc. to our student members. Experienced midwives can qualify for highly coveted ACNM Fellowships and other opportunities. Learn more.
Awards. Each year, ACNM offers meaningful awards in more than 10 categories, including Outstanding Preceptors, Outstanding Teachers, and Distinguished Service, and honors a new class of ACNM Fellows for their leadership, clinical excellence, and professional achievement. Get recognized. Learn more about ACNM awards here.
Leadership Skills. ACNM makes it easy to grow your leadership skills and capacity. There’s leadership development training at our Midwifery Works meeting, Diversity & Inclusion training opportunities, and plenty of informal mentoring by fellow members who want to see you succeed.
Benchmarking for Success. Through ACNM’s Benchmarking Project, you can compare your practice with similar ones, demonstrate improved outcomes, assure quality, and qualify as a “Triple Aim Best Practice.” Learn more.
Effective Advocacy at the Federal and State Levels
- Lobbying for and advancing the practice of midwifery to achieve optimal health for women throughout their lifespan and to increase access to midwifery care in all practice settings
- Actively supporting policies that allow CNMs and CMs to practice to the full extent of their education and training, without the requirement for physician oversight [as recommended by the National Academy of Medicine, the Federal Trade Commission, and a significant body of peer-reviewed evidence]
- Developing and executing strategies so that CNMs and CMs may secure unfettered clinical privileges and full voting membership on the medical staff
- Supporting affiliates seeking recognition of the CM credential and working to obtain recognition of the CM under Medicare and Medicaid programs
- Promoting reforms to Medicare and Medicaid programs to reimburse CNMs and CMs for supervising and teaching medical residents, medical students, and student-midwives
- Preserving gains made in the Affordable Care Act with respect to midwifery services, including preventive health care services, access to contraception, Medicare payment equity, and policies benefiting midwifery education
- Participating in national health care organizations and coalitions focused on health care quality
- Maintaining ACNM’s presence at key stakeholder events like federal legislator meetings, fundraisers, and rallies
- Answering member inquiries concerning state and federal legislative and regulatory requirements; compiling aggregate data to demonstrate trends and national policy talking points; writing letters of support or opposition in response to proposed legislation and regulation
- Continuous tracking of midwifery-related legislation and regulation
Learning Opportunities, Resources, and Research
ACNM Annual Meeting & Exhibition. If you haven’t attended lately, you’re missing highly rewarding educational sessions, skill-building workshops, and loads of other energizing events and experiences. Learn more.
The Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. ACNM’s must-read, highly rated peer-reviewed journal consistently ranks among the College’s most valued benefits. It is, alone, worth the cost of membership. Learn more.
ACNM Brief, a weekly e-newsletter providing the latest midwifery-related research every Tuesday.
Practice Support Publications, including white papers, clinical bulletins, position statements, and updated core competencies, all of which are your foundation for midwifery excellence.
The Official ACNM Position on actions by other organizations and entities. Want guidance on the ARRIVE Trial findings on delayed pushing? Wondering how to interpret ACOG’s latest advisory? Our leaders in the field are evaluating the science and providing you with the clear, thoughtful guidance you need. When you’re asked, you’ll have the information at your fingertips
Midwifery Now, a weekly e-newsletter highlighting what’s going on in the College, including award and scholarship announcements, events, advocacy updates, and more, sent every Thursday.
Quickening, ACNM’s Member-Only Digital News Site. Quickening makes it easy to share your perspective, clinical “how-to,” or reflection. Enjoy articles, personal essays, and opinion pieces from ACNM members working in the United States and globally.
ACNM at the Table. You say, “We want ACNM involved with the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health.” We’re a founding member and highly involved. Wherever organizations are gathering to strengthen maternal and women’s health, we’re there.
Initiatives You Care About, Including the Reducing Primary Cesarean Project. Now in its fourth year, the RPC project is helping hospitals reduce their primary cesarean rates by up to 18%.
High-Impact US and Global Grants. Whether we’re teaming up with the University of Alaska on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder or promoting physiologic birth in Madagascar, ACNM-led midwives are boots on the ground fostering respectful, high-quality care.
ACNM Books, E-Books, and Presentations, such as Nitrous Oxide as an Analgesia for Labor & Birth, Into the Light of Day, and The Pearls of Midwifery (updated for 2019) explain the art and evidence of midwifery care.
Online Membership & Practice Directory
Exclusive Savings
Discounted Registration at the ACNM Annual Meeting & Exhibition, plus free meeting-related CEs.
Free CEs through the CEU issues of the Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health.
20% Discount on “Advanced Evaluation & Management of Psychiatric Illness in Reproductive Age Women,” the acclaimed on-demand course.
Discounted Online CE offerings in the ACNM Online Learning Center and discounted and free CEs through your state affiliate.
Members-Only Sales and Discounts on midwifery books, gear, clothing, and gifts in the ACNM store.
Free Listing in Find-a-Midwife, our national online practice locator.
Discounts on insurance, everyday supplies, and more through our Affinity Program.
Discount on Affiliate Membership with the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), which offers 30+ additional benefits, including the ACOG app, the Green Journal, lower-cost Pearl Insurance, obstetric record forms, professional liability resources, student loan refinancing, and more. Offered annually to ACNM members from August 1 to September 30 each year and made possible by a partnership with ACOG. Learn more.
With all of this, midwives and other maternal and women's health professionals and friends can't afford not to join!