~ Continuing strategic priorities in diversity, equity, and inclusion, ACNM announces the appointment of new President and three new board members~June 28, 2022 - SILVER SPRING, Md. – The American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) recently made history on May 25, 2022, as the first Black President, Heather Clarke, DNP, LM, CNM, APRN, FACNM was installed at the 67th Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Clarke has served as an integral part of the Board of Directors for the last year as President-Elect.
“As we look toward the future with Heather at the helm of ACNM, our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is paramount,” said Chief Executive Officer of ACNM, Katrina H. Holland. “We seek to build a more equitable future for all moms and babies who are better served by a system that centers midwives, and culturally congruent care, in the fight to improve health outcomes for black, indigenous, and people of color.”
Heather's midwifery career spans over 40 years and encompasses a rich history of clinical practice, public health, and academia. Heather’s service to her fellow midwives began in the mid-1980s when she served as Treasurer of the New York ACNM chapter when they successfully fought to develop the first state board of midwifery in the United States and paved the way for the development of the LM credential that is equally inclusive of Certified Midwives and Certified Nurse-Midwives.
Heather followed previous pioneers, becoming the chairperson of the Midwives of Color Committee (MOCC) in 2013. Under her leadership, MOCC continued to fundraise for the Watson scholarship for midwifery students of color and developed the Carrington-Hsia-Nieves scholarship to support doctoral education. Her other positions of leadership have included Co-Chair of the ACNM Students and New Midwives Committee and alternate ACNM representative to US-MERA. Heather's active engagement within ACNM has prepared her for leadership at the highest level.
Three new board members were also installed during the 67th ACNM Annual Meeting & Exhibition:
- Region III Representative: Nikia Grayson, DNP, MPH, MA, CNM, FNP-C | Bartlett, TN
- Midwives of Color Committee Representative: Jennifer Woo, CNM, PhD, WHNP-BC, MSN | Rockwall, TX
programs. Her national service includes work on 2012 ACNM core competencies and vice-chair of the Midwives of Color Committee and has served on the Board Composition Task Force. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Texas Woman's University doing health disparities research as it relates to maternal child health and practicing at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, TX.
- Student Representative: Natalie San Luis, RN | Portland, OR
To see the full 2022 Board of Directors, and get more information about ACNM’s volunteer structure, please visit: /volunteer#BOD.
The American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) is the professional association that represents certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and certified midwives (CMs) in the United States. ACNM promotes excellence in midwifery education, clinical practice, and research, and works to strengthen the capacity of midwives in the United States and throughout the world. Our members are primary care providers throughout the lifespan, with a special emphasis on pregnancy, childbirth, and gynecologic and reproductive health. ACNM provides research, administers, and promotes continuing education programs, establishes clinical practice standards, and creates liaisons with state and federal agencies and members of Congress to increase the visibility and recognition of midwifery care. To learn more about ACNM, visit, engage with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @ACNMmidwives or find us on LinkedIn.