ACNM acknowledges that it can no longer continue to attribute the white washing of midwifery to a lack of qualifications or interest by Black and Indigenous people. This fails to acknowledge that white supremacy acted as suppressor, then law enforcer and “teacher”, then eliminator and replacer of Black and Indigenous traditional midwives with white midwives.
ACNM leadership acknowledges and apologizes for past and present harms to BIPOC midwives and the organization’s role in perpetuating and maintaining systemic racism in midwifery and healthcare. Historical facts clearly illustrate that the exclusion of Black and Indigenous midwives was intentional and by design, with the resulting whiteness of the profession of midwifery as the intended outcome. Unless efforts at inclusion are explicit, tailored, continuous, and well resourced, the result is exclusion. In the coming months, the BOD and ACNM is undertaking a full audit of actions and history and making changes to web pages, documents, and processes to ensure they are anti-racist and inclusive.
Cathy Collins-Fulea, DNP, CNM, FACNM President | Jessica Brumley, CNM, FACNM, PhD Vice President |
Bridget Howard, CNM, MSN Secretary | Cara Krulewitch, CNM, PhD, FACNM, FAAN Treasurer |
Karen Jefferson, CM, DM, FACNM Region I Representative | Nichole Wardlaw, CNM, FACNM Region II Representative |
Elois Edge, DNP, CNM, APRN, MSN, FACNM Region III Representative | Kathleen Lavery, MS, CNM Region IV Representative |
Ann Forster Page, CNM, DNP, ARRN, FACNM Region V Representative | Jessica Anderson, DNP, CNM, WHNP, FACNM Region VI Representative |
Theresa Coley-Kouadio, CNM, MSN Region VII Representative | Felina M. Ortiz, CNM, RN, DNP Midwives of Color Committee Representative |
Kendall McCoy Student Representative | Katrina H. Holland ACNM Chief Executive Officer |
The ACNM BOD would like to acknowledge the extensive work and investment of time of the Truth & Reconciliation Task Force (T&R TF) that informed our resolution and who will continue in our ongoing process. The members of the T&R TF are:
Margaret David, CNM, RN
Ana Delgado, MS, CNM
Michelle Drew, DNP, CNM, MPH, FNP
Meghan Eagen-Torkko, PhD, CNM
Helena Grant, MS, CNM, CICP
Ashley Greene, CNM
Ira Kantrowitz-Gordon, PhD, CNM, ARNP, FACNM