Have a question for us? Check out our FAQ below to see if we've answered it! If not, head over to our Contact Us page to get in touch.
Annual Meeting
Please see FAQs at https://annualmeeting.midwife.org/faq/
- I let my membership lapse. I’ve tried rejoining online but I’m not able to do so.
- We may need to reset a few features on your membership profile and create a reinstatement invoice. Please contact the Membership team by phone: 240-485-1813 or [email protected]
- I attended a webinar or event and I can’t get my CEs. How do I get my CEs?
- Please ensure that you have completed the evaluation before claiming your CEs. You may log onto the virtual meeting on-demand site or the Online Learning Center.
- I work at a new place but can’t change the employer on my profile. How can I update my organization?
- Only ACNM staff can change employer information on your profile. Please email the name and address of your new employer to [email protected] and request an update to your employer information.
- What are the benefits of joining ACNM?
- Some of the benefits of ACNM membership can be found HERE.
- How do I connect with my affiliate or contact an affiliate leader?
- As an ACNM member, you will be automatically added to your state affiliate community on ACNM Connect. You may communicate with your affiliate leaders there.
- How do I stay up to date with what’s going on in ACNM?
- Look out for ACNM Brief and Midwifery Now in your email inbox every Tuesday and Thursday, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and/or LinkedIn. You can also follow your local affiliate on social media.
- I lost my membership card/info; can you tell me what my membership ID is and/or when my membership expires?
- Your ACNM ID number is listed on the left-hand side of your membership profile. To view this information, please log onto your profile. If you have trouble accessing your account, please email [email protected].
- I can’t remember my username and/or password.
- Please contact our Membership team at [email protected] and we can help you reset your login.
- Can I join nationally and not my affiliate (or vice versa)? Why do I need to belong to my state affiliate?
- Per our membership bylaws, you must belong to the National and your local state affiliate. If your address is outside the United States, you are only required to pay National dues as we do not currently have international affiliates.?
- Can I have a secondary affiliate and how would I add that?
- If you are in the process of renewing, you may select a secondary affiliate from your profile. If you have already renewed, please contact the Membership team for assistance: [email protected]
- How do I access the Membership Directory?
- Please log in to ACNM Connect and click the Membership Directory. Please note: Members can opt out of the Directory at will.
- How do I add or update my practice in your Find a Midwife Directory?
- Please fill out our Practice Directory form.
- I would like to purchase your mailing list; how do I go about that?
- Please submit your marketing content to our Membership team for review at [email protected]. A decision will be rendered within 7-10 business days.
Membership Payment
- I want to join ACNM but I’m not sure I can afford it. Do you offer any discounts or payment plans?
- Unfortunately, we don’t have any promotions at this time, however, perhaps you can enroll in our monthly installment plan. We would need a credit card in order to enroll in this plan. Please note, there is an annual Admin fee associated with this option at $25.00 which will be charged on your initial payment.
- I need an itemized receipt to receive reimbursement from my employer for membership or an event.
- Please contact our Membership team at [email protected] and we will email it to you.
- I received a renewal notice but I already paid my dues; my employer mailed in a check.
- Due to increased delays with the postal office, the payment may still be en route. Once it has been received and processed, we will send you a receipt.?
- My membership expires at the end of the month but I won’t be able to pay until 2 weeks after; will my membership be terminated?
- No. ACNM offers a 60-day grace period after your membership expires. You must renew within 60 days in order to avoid termination. If payment is not received after the grace period, your membership will be terminated and you will need to rejoin.
ACNM Connect
- I’m not receiving community notifications from ACNM Connect. How do I fix this?
- Have you checked your notification preferences? Make sure they are set to real-time or daily digest. If the issue still persists, please contact [email protected]
- How do I create a new community in Connect?
- Please review our Code of Conduct and scroll down to our resource list then select Request a Community.
ACNM Store
- I’m having trouble getting the member rate on the ACNM store.
- Please make sure you are logged in first. The login information is the same as your ACNM membership. If that doesn’t work, please click the reset password option. If you still experience the same issue, please contact [email protected]
Midwifery Practice & Advocacy
- Where can I find more information about becoming a midwife?
- Please visit /Become-a-Midwife
- ACNM’s scope of practice for CNMs and CMs says one thing, my state scope of practice says another, and the hospital I work in says something completely different. Which one is correct?
- A midwife must adhere to the laws of the state in which the midwife is licensed. This is considered the “ceiling.” A hospital’s medical staff can restrict how a midwife practices.
- ACNM’s scope of practice, unless specifically referred to in state law or regulation carries no weight. It just outlines what a midwife is educated, clinically trained, and nationally certified to do.
- Are Midwives reimbursed and recognized by Medicare and Medicaid?
- Yes, CNMs are a required benefit under both the Medicare and Medicaid programs and most private insurers. ACNM is working to get CMs recognized more broadly. CMs receive Medicaid reimbursement in NJ, NY, DC, MD, and RI.
- Who can I talk to about my state’s scope of practice?
- You can contact Amy Kohl, Director, Advocacy and Government Affairs at [email protected] or 240-485-1806.
- Do CNMs/CMs only attend birth?
- No! Quite the contrary. While CNMs and CMs are well-known for attending births, over 50 percent of CNMs/CMs identify reproductive care and over 35% identify primary care as main responsibilities in their full-time positions. Examples include annual exams, writing prescriptions, basic nutrition counseling, parenting education, patient education, and reproductive health benefits.
- Where do CNMs and CMs practice midwifery?
- Certified nurse-midwives/certified midwives practice in public, private, university, and military hospitals. They work in HMOs, private practices, and birth centers. Many midwives work in public health clinics, while others choose to provide in-home birth services. Upwards of 95 percent of CNM/CM-attended births that occur in the hospital.
- What states are CNMs and CMs licensed to practice in?
- CNMs are licensed, independent health care providers with prescriptive authority in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and Puerto Rico, and are defined as primary care providers under federal law.
- CMs are also licensed, independent healthcare providers who have completed the same midwifery education as CNMs. CMs are authorized to practice in 11 states (Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Virginia) and Washington, D.C.
- What are the most restrictive states for midwifery practice?
- Georgia and Nebraska. CNMs are able to practice independently (i.e., without specific physician supervision or collaborative practice agreement) in 31 states and Washington, D.C. The remaining states require some level of physician supervision or collaborative practice arrangement as a condition for midwifery practice. Here is a nifty map that demonstrates what the practice environment is for midwives by state.
- Where can I find information about returning to practice after a break?
- You can find information at /Re-entry-to-Practice.
- Where can I find out about midwifery certification or modules to renew certification?
- Contact the American Midwifery Certification Board at https://www.amcbmidwife.org/
- What are some of the issues ACNM is working on at the federal level (i.e., in Congress or within the Department of Health and Human Services)?
- To ensure access to midwifery care, we must establish midwifery as a standard of care for women and gender-diverse people in the United States. This starts by coming together as a profession and advocating for removing supervision and collaborative practice requirements as a condition of practice, ensuring parity in payment, access, and recognition of midwifery credentials, and establishing a robust and diverse midwifery workforce.
- ACNM’s federal policy agenda can be found here. Our main focus in the current Congress is the passage of the Midwives for MOMS Act, which will establish a federal grant program specific to midwifery education. This legislation will help diversify and increase capacity within the maternity care workforce.
- ACNM is also working on introducing legislation that would incorporate a balanced representation of health professionals, including midwives on hospital staff. We are advocating for changes to Medicare’s existing Hospital Conditions of Participation to ensure that midwives are eligible for clinical privileges, admitting privileges, and membership on the medical staff. Access to hospitals is extremely critical to the midwifery profession, as CNMs/CMs spend a significant amount of their time in the hospital setting.
- What is the mission of the Midwives-PAC?
- The ACNM Midwives-PAC mission is to advance ACNM's federal policy agenda by facilitating the creation of relationships between legislators and midwives and by supporting legislators who have a proven record on issues that matter to midwives and ACNM. Midwives-PAC is a bi-partisan PAC. We support members of Congress who support midwives and midwifery!
Volunteer Opportunities
- Where can I find volunteer opportunities?
- A listing of the various opportunities can be found at www.midwife.org/open-volunteer-opportinities. Once you complete your application, it will be shared with the appropriate committee chair/division chair. Please allow up to one week for a response regarding next steps.
- Once you join one of our volunteer committees, you should familiarize yourself with our Policies Pertaining to ACNM Volunteers and Leaders which can be found here: www.midwife.org/ACNM-Governance-Policies. The Volunteer Agreement and Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Policy should be filled out and returned to [email protected].
- Where can I find information from past Board meetings?
- The ACNM Board of Directors holds quarterly open board meetings. If you would like to review past meeting minutes and materials, they can be accessed by going to www.midwife.org/Board-Meetings. A login is required.
Global Development
- What guidance can ACNM provide to midwives immigrating from overseas?
- You can find more information at /midwiv...
- Is ACNM open to exchange programs with other countries?
- ACNM is currently not conducting twinning or exchange programs.
- How can I apply to global and domestic consultancies?
- ACNM puts out advertisements for any new opportunities, but also likes to keep a pool of global consultants. If you are interested please send your resume to [email protected].